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Join us to discuss the operational impact of COVID-19 on the Dutch business aviation industry. 

With the European Business Aviation industry seeing unprecedented fluctuations in demand and traffic, business aviation professionals have had to adapt to new realities. In the face of these challenges, the European Business Aviation Association has mobilised its resources, to ensure that busines aviation can operate wherever possible. 

This meeting aims to:

- Give an overview of Covid-19’s operational impact; 
- Inform the Dutch Business Aviation industry on the work conducted so far by EBAA and the European Commissio,
-Create a discussion space for Dutch business aviation professionals. 


1. European Business Aviation Facts and Figures: Europe and The Netherlands - Arthur Thomas, EBAA 

2. EBAA’s response to COVID-19 work - Robert Baltus, EBAA 

3. Open Discussion - Next steps


Start: December 8, 2020
11:00 AM (UTC/GMT +02:00 - Europe / Brussels)
End: December 8, 2020
12:00 PM (UTC/GMT +02:00 - Europe / Brussels)

Online event

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